Learn something new whenever you can, especially if it can help in each aspect of your life; and positively impacts the environment.
This philosophy has guided us during the creation of our projects, for instance Green Dream Tulum. But mostly, inspires us to share the knowledge of the techniques used in each phase with our community. So they can understand them, master them and replicate them.
That is why, last February 19th and 20th, Love Tulum Eco Development´s team successfully imparted the Introduction to SuperAdobe Workshop. Sharing one of the best natural building methods, also known as the Earthbag Technique, and its variants adapted for different climates. Superadobe has a lot of benefits, such as material saving and the reduction of the ecological impact of construction.
The workshop was divided in two aspects; theory and practice. The first day was all about the basis, history, and evolution of Superadobe. And the second; about putting into practice what they have learned. Using their own hands to mix the materials, and supplies; getting involved with the natural building process.
This experience is more than just construction, it is a matter of higher life quality, where we have the chance to take care of our planet.
If you want to be part of this too, be prepared for our upcoming workshops!